Founded in 2016, Whiplash started off as a weekend project making one-off beers. It quickly went full time to keep up with demand, eventually leading to Whiplash building their own custom designed brewery in Ballyfermot. Now with a team of 13, Whiplash produces both traditional and modern style beers with 4-6 limited edition specials per month, as well as a year-round range of permanent beers.

Co-founders Alan and Alex met while working together at an Irish brewery. Alex a homebrewer with a few steps taken into professional brewing through different previous projects, and Alan an operations manager coming from a few long stints at large breweries. Work at the brewery was happening at a break-neck speed but they wanted to slow things down a bit with specials and once-off beers. To do this, they formed Whiplash as its own company and released a couple of beers in year one to a great reception.
Being awarded Beer of the Year by Irish consumers, Best Brewery nods from bloggers, Honest Brew's Breakthrough Brewery award and landing in as Ireland's top rated brewery on Untappd was a serious encouragement to take the project full time.
By 2017 both had done just that, leaving behind 24hr shift brewing schedules, meetings in suits and a small part of their minds; for a better and more enjoyable arrangement. Alex doing the brewing, Alan doing the commercials with crossovers wherever they could. 2018 saw them go full time and brewing at facilities across Ireland and Europe and 2019 the announcement of their new brewery in Dublin along with the establishment of Fidelity Festival - Ireland’s best international beer event.

Throughout 2020-2021 the brewery continued to release brand new beers against the backdrop of global hospitality shutdowns. In January 2021 Whiplash were proud to make a reappearance in the Honest Brew awards, this time scooping Best International Brewery, soon followed by a Best Dark Beer Award from Beer 52.
In December 2022, Whiplash opened their bar, Fidelity, in collaboration with The Big Romance, on Dublin's Queen Street.
Quality beer is always and will always be the focus and will continue to drive the brewery forward in 2024 and beyond.